Alternator Washer

About this product

The Alternator Washer (#2738450030), a crucial part in the Engine-Fuel/Alternator system, serves a significant function in power distribution. This auto part plays a vital role in ensuring the alternator, the engine's electricity generator, is securely fastened and maintains optimal performance. Genuine Toyota parts like this are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty for added peace of mind. Over time, the Alternator Washer (#2738450030) can wear out, become clogged or even break, disrupting the smooth operation of the alternator. This could lead to inconsistent power generation, causing issues such as dimmed headlights or difficulty starting your car. Regular replacement of this part is, therefore, highly recommended. With a well-functioning Alternator Washer (#2738450030), your vehicle's power system can operate at maximum efficiency, contributing to the overall safety and reliability of your Toyota vehicle.