Water Hose Clip

About this product

The Water Hose Clip (#90118-WB056), a critical component in the Vacuum Piping system, plays a pivotal role in securing the water hoses in Toyota automobiles. This Engine-Fuel part helps maintain the necessary pressure and flow within the system for optimum operation. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Water Hose Clip (#90118-WB056), provide excellent vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Water Hose Clip (#90118-WB056) is essential to prevent hoses from becoming loose or disconnected, which can result in coolant leaks or engine overheating. A worn-out or broken clip can compromise the efficiency of the entire system, potentially causing severe engine damage. In conclusion, the Water Hose Clip (#90118-WB056) indirectly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by ensuring the secure connection of water hoses and uninterrupted coolant flow.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WB056

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